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She was like a ruffled Bridgette Bardot; and the urge to take her somewhere private and spend days fucking her senseless was strong…but I suddenly realised I wanted more than that…I EvaMoon webcam to make it illegal for her to be with any one else. I was tempted to start face fucking her since it felt so incredible, but I didnt want to shoot my load this soon. It started getting late and I had had four beers and was in EvaMoon porn condition to drive since I had no alcohol tolerance at all. She had awoken as soon as she felt his thumbs circling her hole but wanted to give the illusion that she was asleep a little longer. Only, his delightful welcomed flesh was like music against the wet tightness of my pussy. I think my vulgar screams and beating on his back alerted him to the fact of what was happening, because he stopped for a minute and looked at me disbelieving, then looked down at our joined bodies, the evidence showing his soaked cock tightly encased in my still quivering ass which was squeezing tight and refusing to let him withdraw.